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Who Actually Plays Thread


OK, I'm not proclaiming to be a great drummer, far from it, but I do play and work everyday at improving. I'd like to see others who can "actually" play these great drums they own. Don't be shy and this is not to see who is better or to showoff, just to see and hear those great vintage drums.


Posted on 11 years ago

If my '82 Tama Superstars qualify as vintage, here's something from my band The Bird Channel a couple of months ago. An audience member captured it with his digi-camera video function, so sound distorts in a few places. The cymbals are all 50's A Zildjians so there's at least some real vintage representation... :D

[ame=""]The Bird Channel[/ame]

Here's the rig...




Posted on 11 years ago
Posts: 1242 Threads: 204

Problem is...I don't think the recordings (or my playing) will do them justice. This is a Mid 50's Sling kit and I'm using my Sabian 28" ride on the bass mounted arm! Random, Manic Depression type stuff

[ame=""]Slingin'it random style - YouTube[/ame]

Blue Vistalites


Posted on 11 years ago
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