For a Gretsch New Classic "Jazz" kit 18X14/18x8/12x8/and 14" floor tom.
I really want to do this in spite of all the Virgin Bass aficianados there are out there. Cymbal stand tom mounts simply do not work for me. They can never be positioned the same way twice, constantly bounce around and always tilt and sometimes fall as well as (the cym stands) being required to be put in awakward spaces taking up an inordinate amount of floor space. Patrons are also constantly bumping into the stands.
Hoping that is enough to quiet the "don't put a hole in the drum" crowd. Where should I position the mount? I have the "Jazz" kit with 10" & 12" toms. All my research seems to indicate that 9" from the batter head is the norm. Positive or negative feed back would really be appreciated along with appropriate sugestions about where to put the mounting plate and down tube..
Please send your input asap, as the operation is scheduled for today at 4:30p (EST).
Thanks for your informed input.