I've aquired my cousins Blue Sparkle kit and I'm having trouble figuring the year. Its a B/O badge with an 816xxx serial number. He had put it on a rack system and removed the original tom mount, but it has four holes in it in the shape of a rectangle not the common diamond pattern. I'll post some pictures tomorrow, but is it a 69, or 71? How do I know what series it is? Classic, Supper Classic, etc...
What year are my Ludwigs
I've aquired my cousins Blue Sparkle kit and I'm having trouble figuring the year. Its a B/O badge with an 816xxx serial number. He had put it on a rack system and removed the original tom mount, but it has four holes in it in the shape of a rectangle not the common diamond pattern. I'll post some pictures tomorrow, but is it a 69, or 71? How do I know what series it is? Classic, Supper Classic, etc...
Whihtout pics.....by the serial numbers and the type of badge it has, they are from 1971. As far as classic, super-classic, etc......Ludwig didn't start calling their drums that until the LATE 80's. They are just 3-ply top of the line Ludwigs from that era. Pics would nail it down for sure....and may give us a tell-tale of what type of tom mount it was drilled for as well......
Just in case you mean "configuration" as opposed to "series", you have to provide the dimensions of the drums. A kit with a 22 x 14 bass drum, a 13 x 9 tom tom and a 16 X 16 floor tom with a Supraphonic snare drum is known as a "Super Classic" a kit with a 20 X 14 bass drum, a 12 X 8 tom tom and a 14 x 14 floor tom and a Supraphonic snare drum or a Downbeat snare drum is called a "Downbeat" kit. And so on.
"Nietzsche is dead." -God
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