You may be able to repair it and still get good use out of it. It can be brazed (soldered/welded) and a grommet added for strength.
Is it safe to braze/solder/weld B8? I know for B20 the recommended thing is to avoid heat (in case of losing the tempering) and glue a grommet on using JB Weld instead. But I don't know B8, so I'd be interested to hear.
The last few years there seem to be a rash of broken or cracked cymbals floating around lately, poor technique or low quality metals?
The quality of metals hasn't changed for the big 3 manufacturers. That's been stable for years. If you are talking Chinese or Turkish I'm not so sure about stability of alloys.
I wouldn't know about the frequency of poor technique among players increasing. Not saying "no", just how would you know and why would the frequency have increased?
Maybe more information on how to repair them (thanks internet) is a contributing factor to their being more of a market? And maybe eBay makes the sale of broken cymbals more visible?