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What era is this Ziljdian from?


Hey all,

I just recently acquired this 18" crash/ride and have no idea what year it was made.

The issue I have with identifying the year is that there's no indication of a country of origin and also "avedis" is absent.

I searched through this site and found that a no country of origin cymbal could be Canadian which would put this in the 70s era. However, based on how bold the Z and O are, it looks sort of similar to a trans stamp.

Needless to say, I'm confused here.

If any of y'all can help identify this I'd really appreciate it.

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Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 6170 Threads: 255

Trans Stamp to my eyes.

Posted on 5 years ago

Trans Stamp.

The top of the cymbal is clearly not a 70s cymbal based on the visible hammering style and the lathing style.

The form of the T of Turkish in the trademark doesn't have the little angle flaw at the bottom which the Canadian one does.

The country of origin line is missing on a few other Trans Stamps in my database. I'm 95% sure that represents the MADE IN USA line just being very lightly pressed in. The missing AVEDIS line is also probably just an instance of very light pressing. It is also possible that MADE IN USA was a separate die piece which was bound together with the rest of the trademark in a holder, and occasionally that line was left out. But it's hard to be sure, other than to note that the alignment between MADE IN USA and the rest of the trademark was quite variable before the Trans Stamps (suggesting separate pieces struck separately) but became quite consistent with the coming of Trans Stamps.

Hope this helps.

Posted on 5 years ago

Thanks for clearing this up guys! Very helpful.

This cymbal has a really nice dark/slightly trashy tone.


Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 6524 Threads: 37

I wouldn't use it for a crash. every time it washes that drilled crack is gonna wanna keep going.

It`s a drum,.....Hit It !!

.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Posted on 5 years ago
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