What I was really after was the two snare stands and throne that came with these drums...Majestic DeLuxe
They're in decent shape, 5 ply shells, off-set lugs, and all original. Missing one original hoop with inlay and both rack tom bottom rims. Double tom mount rail in place, but it looks as if someone added a center post mount. Duh...
I don't know if it was common to have matching sized rack toms, but this kit has two identical 12x8 toms, which I happened to like.
If anyone knows the where about of the floor tom, message me please.
A few general question:
-Tama or Pearl
-wrap name
-was that some kind of cymbal mount on the bass
I should mention the camera flash makes this wrap look great, but to the naked eye, it's really dull/hazy. Is there anything special that will bring the shine back?