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Were Slingerland stick-savers undersized?

Posts: 45 Threads: 13

So, I've got this set of 14" 8-lug COB top/bottom stick savers for a snare drum. I'm currently working on a new snare drum build for personal use and was hoping to use these hoops on it. I had used them on a different drum before and had also problems with the tension rods lining up with the lugs, but always had figured it was the shell or the lugs that were the problem. I actually had to file down the base of the lugs to get it all to line up properly, and even then it was a tough fit. But this new project is reaching the final stages, and when I put it all together just to see how it was going to look, it's seems like lining everything up is going to be a problem once again. And since this current build is not using self-aligning lugs, this might be a deal breaker.

This morning before I left for work I grabbed the hoops and a tape measure to 1, make sure they're flat and in-round. No problems there. And 2, to check the spacing between the holes. As I said, they're for a 14" drum, and the spacing center-to-center between any opposite holes is 37.75cm. I also compared the nearest 14" hoop I had from a different maker (Gretsch), and the spacing there was around 38.25cm. So a half a centimeter difference, give or take. Or a little over 3/16".

Is this normal for Slingerland hoops? Were their shells undersized too? I've never heard of this before, but that's the only reasonable explanation I can think of. If all the hoops are undersized but the shells are not, that means we should see "outward splay" on Slingerland drums, no? And I don't see that.

Posted on 6 years ago

Your problem seems to be following those hoops. Are you sure they are genuine Slingerland hoops and not MIJ clones?

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13

I'm pretty certain they're real Slingerland hoops and not MIJ knock-offs. Is there any way to tell?

2 attachments
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13

Bump. Nobody?

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

In all of my many years of owning and gigging with Slingerland drums and Leedy by Slingerland drums, I've never encountered an issue with a drum head of any brand not fitting. As a matter of fact, I got my first Slingy drum back in the mid 1950s. That drum and every other Slingy and Leedy I've owned accept all drum heads well enough for the heads to spin smoothly on the shell. Your question focuses on the Stick Saver hoops. Everything i just said about the shells also applies to the hoops. The heads drop easily on to the shells. The hoops drop just as easily on to the heads.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 6 years ago

Slingerland hoops have a bit of a "wall" around the "ear" of each lug hole (if that makes sense) -- not sure if older MIJ knockoffs also did but modern sticksaver repros definitely do not. Judging from your photos I'd say they're legit.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13

Thanks for the replies, fellas. Yeah, I'm pretty sure these are real Slingerland hoops. They have the inward flange (stick-saver), and the "ears" around the tension rods as you pointed out. Also, they pass the magnet test, so I'm fairly certain they're COB and not COS.

One thing to note though is that (if you look at the photos I added) the holes that the tension rods go through are oval instead of round. The initial measurement I gave at the start of this thread was center-to-center, so that doesn't change. But still, if they were fully round, that would obviously give a tiny bit more leeway in allowing them to line up properly with any brand of drum, right? I suppose filing them out slightly is always an option, though I would hate to make any kind of permanant alterations on vintage gear. It's kind of like the argument for or against enlarging smaller center holes on vintage cymbals to get them to fit on modern stands. I can certainly understand the benefit as well as the loss.

Posted on 6 years ago

Sir. What is the OD of the shell you are using?

It should be no more than 13 7/8".

Do heads fit easily over the shell?

Do the rims fit easily over the heads?

Thanks to Mr. Jerry Jenkins
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13

From green glass drum

Sir. What is the OD of the shell you are using?It should be no more than 13 7/8".Do heads fit easily over the shell?Do the rims fit easily over the heads?

Thanks for your reply. I finally got around to measuring the shell, and it appears to be around 13 15/16". Heads sit perfectly well on it and have enough room to spin when placed on the shell, so no problems there. And there is also no problem with the rims fitting standard heads.

I've still got about a week of waiting before I buff this drum out and begin the final assembly. If worse comes to worse, I'll just use some different hoops on it in the meantime, as I've got some gigs I'd really like to use this drum on coming up. And I may just do a slight bit of filing on the tension rod holes of the hoops to create a little more leeway, though that's kind of a last resort option at this point.

Thanks again for the help and ideas, fellas.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 3467 Threads: 116

Only issue I had (& still have) is with an 8" Niles Concert Tom from the early 80's... Remo or Aquarian heads will seat nicely on the shell but the stick saver hoop will not seat over the aluminium frame..

it will always sit up at one lug.. so yes this hoop is indeed undersize.

I have tried several heads to no avail, so finally have hacksawed through the aluminium frame of a CS head at 2 of the 5 positions adjacent to where the tension screws align.



'77 Slingerland 51N,Super Rock 24,18,14,13.. COW 8,10 Concert toms
'69 Slingerland Hollywood Ace
'75 Rogers Dynasonic 6.5 x 14, 10 lug COB
'77-78 Slingerland 6.5 x 14, 10 lug COB
'78-79 Slingerland 5 1/4 x14 8 lug COB
'79 Biman 5 1/4, Acrolite
'82 Slingerland 5 1/4 x 14. Festival COS
'84 Tama MasterCraft Superstar 6.5 x 14, 10 lug Rosewood
'98 Slingerland (Music YO) 6" 10 Lug Maple.. NOS
Zildjian, Sabian , UFIP & Paiste mix.
Posted on 6 years ago
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