Hello everyone, I'm working on a project for the web site titled "Hoops". Basically it is the cronology of the drum hoop. It is mainly for identification purposes for the web site and people doing research to learn more about a drum they have.

Technically I do not have the time to get exact years when hoops changed etc.. So I have to work in general years. Say the the year drums went from no flange straight hoops to single flange is at some point in the early 1920's. Exactly what year and which company would require patent searches.

Also, the transition from the single flange to the double flange and then again from the double flange to the triple flange by Ludwig and Slingerland.

I'm guessing the Slingerland "Counter Hoop" started in the early 50's between 1951 and 1955 but I do not have any catalogs from the in between years.

I also sold off all of my Gretsch drums so I need to know if any kind hearted soul has a hoop off of a drum and can photograph one for me.

It would be great if I can get the technical details so people can pinpoint exactly what hoop they have and approximate year.

I do know that the Slingerland Counter Hoop had a transition point, but not sure when that was.

Other then that to give you guys a look at a work in progress not yet on the main web site, here is the link. It is very crude and missing graphics etc.. The text is also messed up and no spell check yet.


