hey guys
got hold of an old Pearl drum kit...seems early run according to the lugs seen on the pic and the color red sparkle which can be found in the 1968/69 catalog.
One thing is odd...the bass drum has re rings and the typical luan thin inner ply, but the same 13" tom came with it, doesn't have the re ring and the shell wood configuration is interesting...it seems that there is birch between the luan....and not sure why there is no re ring. The tom itself has all the original parts and was not tampered with..
any suggestions?
Btw i would like to break that long time wrong information that these drums a low quality and only made of luan...the bass drum I have arrived chipped due to transport at the bass drum spur. (sadly) so the very thin inner layer of Luan cam off. Now underneath the wood is very much maple...just like the re ring...it seems that the luan was used as fillers between more quality wood and a protective layer inside and outside under the wrap..
any of you seen similar?
Keep on Pl