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Vintage Paiste 602

Posts: 34 Threads: 10

Paiste 602 with the word Dynastar written above the stamp with a star symbol. Zenstat and I have been discussing this thru pm's. Thought I would make a new thread and see if anyone knows anything more about these. Its an 18" weighs 1680g

Thanks in advance

1 attachment
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 771 Threads: 132

Never seen that before. Are the cymbals pre-serial?

Keep fixing them up...
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 34 Threads: 10

Yes its a preserial

Posted on 6 years ago

Have you asked from paiste?

I remeber that my friend had some older ”odd” cymbal what we were unable to find from anywhere. Hi asked them and they told that it was custom made for one artist.

Heard other stories too, where paiste has told info about some rare cymbals so i think it would be worth a try.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 34 Threads: 10

From Sevenchaos

Have you asked from paiste?I remeber that my friend had some older ”odd” cymbal what we were unable to find from anywhere. Hi asked them and they told that it was custom made for one artist.Heard other stories too, where paiste has told info about some rare cymbals so i think it would be worth a try.

Yes I did reach out to Paiste and sent them pics. Waiting for a response.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 34 Threads: 10

I heard back from Paiste. Their response was "We made such embossments for big customers or drum companies in the 60s and 70s. Your cymbal was likely produced for a function like this instead of a pre serial numbered cymbal."

I asked about any additional info on Dynastar, but they said they "did not have any additional informational available regarding the Dynastar."

So my assumption is Dynastar must've been one of their 'big customers or drum companies in the 60s and 70s'

Posted on 6 years ago

The more I dig, the more I keep coming across info on Dyna-Star being a "stencil" name UFIP used along with Dixon Dyna-Star & Dyna Star Superior. I wonder if there is a connection. Here's a link to another Paiste with Dynastar stamp

1964 Ludwig Champagne Super Classic
1970 Ludwig Blue Oyster Super Classic
1977 Rogers Big R Londoner 5 ebony
1972/1978 Rogers Powertone/Big R mix ebony
60's Ludwig Supersensitive
Pearl B4514 COB snare ( the SC snare)
Pearl Firecracker
PJL WMP maple snare
Odds & Sods

Sabians, Paistes, Zildjians, Zyns, UFIPs, MIJs etc
Item may be subject to change!
Posted on 6 years ago

Judge and I discussed the UFIP Dynastar stencil brand in PM, but I didn't post all of that here. I don't know the connection, I just know that it looks like some Dynastar cymbals were made by Paiste and some by UFIP. It's not the first time two different contractors produced the same stencil brand at different times.

Arbiter had some 602s made for them


Here is a UFIP made Dynastar Superior (we believe these are nickel silver)


as seen on the list of UFIP stencil brands


starting from the upper left go 8 down and then one over to the right. You can also see Dixon on the UFIP stencil list. And for bonus points, spot the Arbiter on that UFIP list as well. ;)

There are some previous discussions on Arbiter ones:

but note that while ivmike and the_drum_dad are aware of the Paiste 602 sourced ones, others (Drumaholic, Jaye) were not aware that there are two different manufacturers involved. Once the Paiste connection was revealed we never heard from anyone again. Meanwhile in this next thread we see a Dixon Dynastar:

Calfskin doesn't seem to have heard that there are two different manufacturers involved. But I'd agree Paiste for those particular Dixon Dynastar hats, because they look Paiste in terms of hammering, lathing, and bell shape. But that's not a strong evidence based identification, just a hunch. Anybody who thinks "the mystery is probably solved" is a bit premature, especially given the state of knowledge in 2011. Here we are in 2018 and we still don't know much.

There are multiple stamps and evidence of both Italian and Paiste manufacture of various lines (stencil brands). The Dynastar "Superior" UFIP one looks nickel silver. The 602 Dynastar and Arbiter Custom Formula 602 are B20, but I'm not sure about the Arbiter Custom (no Formula 602) in the thread above. Could be B8, could be nickel silver, could be the photograph just cut off the Formula 602 and it is B20. I think I've seen another Arbiter stamp, and I've got various other information on these waiting for further work.

Posted on 6 years ago

The "Custom Formula 602" and "Custom" were two different lines with different price points. Perhaps the Customs were actually Stambul, Dixie or Supers... I have a price sheet (I guess from an old Arbiter catalog) showing both lines as well as Paiste Zilko and Zilket on offer. Although the sheet has no mention of the name Paiste.

Posted on 6 years ago

My belief is that the name Dynastar was used for stencil cymbals sold by WERCO, a music company located in Illinois (and still around by the way).

The UFIP Dynastar Superior and Dixons are from the early 70s and definitely related to WERCO.

Maybe WERCO imported Formula 602s prior to Ludwig's exclusive deal with Paiste in the mid-60s and they were stamped Dynastar. That would date the cymbals to pre 1964/5

If you notice the rest of the emboss is very similar or exact to the original Giant Beat emboss.

So if I'm wrong about this particular Dynastar logo being tied to WERCO (it's different than the version on the UFIP made pies) than the GB style emboss logo dates it as a late 60s cymbal, but sold through who?

Posted on 6 years ago
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