I have an old, hand hammered cymbal that has no stamp but has the signatures under the bell. Did Zildjian ever produce cymbals without a stamp? I will post pics when I get a chance. Thanks all.
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Vintage K question.
Posts: 304
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Bobby Myers
Legacy Drum Shop - For Drummers By Drummers
Legacy Drum Shop - For Drummers By Drummers
Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 6583
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It's Italian...not a K....
"Always make sure your front bottom BD lugs clear the ground!"
Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 1570
Threads: 66
Signing the underside of the bell is a traditional trademark on Turkish cymbals,which then was adopted elsewhere, more as a style.Sometimes there were two signatures. Some really old cymbals had only graphic imprints or an Arabic stamp--------no English, sometimes very small and there were quite a few different makers aside from Zildjian. Perhaps if you posted a picture of the signature, it could be matched with another.
Posted on 12 years ago
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