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Vintage drums - need some advice


Hi folks!

I registered here today hoping I could get some information and advice from more experienced drummers.

My father is a very dedicated vintage instruments collector since the early 1980's - when it comes to guitars, he knows what he is looking for. As for drums, as long as they look vintage enough and not expensive, he'll get them.

Today I decided I would know some more about the drums we've got here. I was out of time to take more pictures and I expect this thread to be long and fun, so I'll start with some of the snares. I don't have a single wooden snare. Only metal shells.

1) Pearl Export

This one came with a full Pearl Export kit (green, early 1990s?)

2) Ranger

This snare was in one of my father's rehearsal rooms. Unknown brand, little information online

3) Yamaha SD496

Was on the same rehearsal room. Lots of information online!

You might be asking.. alright, so what do you want?

I am trying to make a single kit with the best elements I have around. From those snares above, I guess the best one is the Yamaha. But here comes the tricky question: I want a kit I will restore in order to record some vintage-sounding drums, hence I already bought a few Remo skins. I am looking for a dry, warm sound. Like Radiohead's drums on A Moon Shaped Pool (2016) (song example: Decks Dark).

Any information is welcome!

Thank you and sorry for the long post! Help2

Posted on 6 years ago

Yes, that Yammy is the best by far. Not the sound you are looking for though. I would sell the Pearl Export to raise money for the vintage woody. However, know that you will have to add much more money to what you can get from the Export.

To get what you are looking for - if you went Vintage MIJ, you need to get one with a thicker shell. Star made (several branded) thicker shelled snare drums starting in the late 60s. I suggest this one because they are great woody affordable snare drums. The one I speak of is a Majestic with the thicker shell. Just look to identfy as made by Star, then get one with a thicker shell (no reinforcement rings).

Otherwise, you could just save enough money to buy a Slingerland or something like that. A 3-ply Slingerland snare is certainly warm, but will cost you at least $200 (unless you find a great deal).

I am sure there are other snares that would fit your bill, and hope others will chime in. These are just what came to mind immediately.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!

I had a great day! Instead of sleeping in and wasting the day, I got up at 8 and I had all my slacking done by noon!

Posted on 6 years ago

Hi again! Thank you very much for all the information, Drummerjohn333.

Now I know what kind of wooden snare to buy in the future. I am currently studying and I have little time to spend with the studio. So, from those snares, I'd say I should explore the SD496, right? I guess some tuning and good skins could do the trick.

I'll be back in a few minutes with some pictures of some of my drum kits, I am also very unaware of what I have here.

Posted on 6 years ago

The Pearl I have been using!

Any information? As far as I have searched, it might be an MX series kit.

The snare that came with it:

Was the only snare I hadn't posted here that I could take a picture of. Also have a Sonor metallic snare but it's not home. If this snare is any good compared to the Yamaha I would love to know. Thank you! :)

Posted on 6 years ago

An orange Sonor drum kit, I have no information at all about it. I plan on restoring it this Summer, as I will probably have to buy or ask someone to make the metallic hardware parts.

It also came with a metallic Sonor snare but it's not with me. As soon as I can I'll post some pictures.

Any information about this beauty?

Thank you :)

Posted on 6 years ago

Sorry for the number of posts, but the last one is this Premier kit:

As far as I've searched, I think it might be a B304, but I'm not sure. Is this kit much better than the Pearl I'm currently using? (the mic'ed one above)

Thank you all, guys!

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 771 Threads: 132

Ah yes, definitely...I like the Premier most of all for obvious reasons.

Keep fixing them up...
Posted on 6 years ago

Already brought the Premier to my studio. Not disappointed Keep on Pl

Thank you ;)

Posted on 6 years ago
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