Nope, usually considered firewood.. It really depends on the finish also and if it is 6 or 8 lugs. $50 - $85 for the snare and $25 - $75 for the floor tom. It never hurst to clean it up though and that is usually free labor! David
I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in this 'elitist' response. Thought that a 'Webmaster' of such a forum would be a little more sensitive to a topic that many of the forum members show a real interest in. We don't all have huge bank accounts, (especially in that many of us are musicians) and can't all afford a high end vintage drum collection. Many of us, (myself included) take much joy in finding good deals on these old Japanese kits, and bringing them back to life, and even gigging them in favor of risking our more valuable vintage kits at a questionable venue. Personally I think the 'firewood' reference should only be used in jest around these here parts there pardner...:2Cents: