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Tuning Tricks

Posts: 388 Threads: 49

Can I get some advice on tuning my WFL Buddy Rich Classic. Are there any differences btwn tuning a vintage snare vs. a newer one ? Right now I have it tuned down low for that fat/wet sound that I am looking for, but I'm still not 100% happy with what I am hearing. How much should I rely on the muffler ?

I know this is a broad question but any thoughts are appreciated.

I now have 3 snares that I use, a DW collectors edition maple, a Yamaha steel and this one. Still looking for that elusive it me ??

Thanks, John

Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

The answer is this:

A used Ludwig Supraphonic. Excited

The other answer is this:

No "trick" really. Just stick with the standard style drumheads (Remo Emperor, Ambassador and Diplomat). I think Diplomats (the thinnest) are nice for vintage drums because they are the same weight as the older style "medium" drumheads were (7.5 mil.) and they conform to the rounder bearing edge profile better (in my opinion).

Your WFL drum would have undoubtedly come from the factory with a calfskin head. If you REALLY want to get the original sound that drum would have produced when it was new, then you should do yourself a favor and get some calfskin heads. Seriously. You won't believe how nice they will make that drum sound. They ARE a hassle to keep tuned, though, being they react to moisture and temperature. Also, they are VERY expensive. But, oooohhh, the sound!...and response!!

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 388 Threads: 49

As a matter of fact I have been looking for a clean supraphonic or dynasonic.

I have heard that Remo has come out with a "vintage" head. Maybe I'll try that.

Thanks for the help.

Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

I have heard about those. They are 2-ply heads, though. They combine a 7.5 mil layer and a 3 mil. layer, so, overall, they are thicker than a standard Ambassador. It might be cool, but my guess is that they are going to be deader sounding.

If you are even considering a Supra, then you should get one. They are "the" drum that does it all. Nothing sounds like a Supra -except another Supra! If you prefer an 8-lug drum, then get an Acrolite. They are still quite inexpensive on Ebay -basically the same shell as the Supra without the chrome and two less lugs.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 388 Threads: 49

there ia a nice clean acrolite on e-bay right now 180109787970.

Aluminum shell.......same as a dyna ??

I put a coated Ambassador on the WFL which makes the drum sing.

It came with a Ludwig (Remo) HEAVY head that has a power really smothered the drum....

Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

NO! Definitely NOT the same as a Dynasonic. In MY opinion, the Dynasonic is a VERY difficult drum to get to sound "right". I had a Big R one from the mid-70's and I absolutely hated it. The Dynasonic is not an aluminum alloy shell like (most) Supras do. The Dynasonic is a brass shell, I believe. Some people will disagree with me about this, but the Supra is heads and tails above the Dynasonic in terms of versatility, playability and availability. Plus, if you get a Dyna and something happens to break, then good luck at finding replacement parts. The Supra, on the other hand, is a much more user-friendly drum.

Some people LOVE the Dyna, though. It's all subjective. But, like I say, an Acrolite is basically an "Ugly Betty" Supra! ;) so you could invest a SMALL amount of money on an Acro to see if you like the sound (You will!). If you don't like it, then you still have a drum that can ALWAYS be re-sold for at least what you paid for it...or keep it and have that sound in your arsenal of sounds.

I play an Acrolite on my gig every week. It has had NO problems in over five years of weekly gigging. It's not a valuable drum, so I never have to worry about it getting stolen. If it does get stolen, I'll just buy another used one. No big deal. -Can't say that about a Dynasonic!Burger Kin

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

Here is an entire page of Acrolites:

That one you are looking at is a SUPER-NICE one! Since it has the earlier Keystone badge and BB muffler, it will go for a higher price...but ANY Acrolite is basically the same sound. I have a later B/O badge one....same sound.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 17 years ago

Not to hijack the thread here... but since we're on the subject of Acrolites...

What heads do you Acrophiles prefer and also, how do you tune them? Just curious really as I also have an Acrolite in the Stack-o-snares and it currently has an Evans G2 w/control ring on it. Might be too heavy a head though as I'm not getting quite the sound I want.

For the bottom head, thin or medium? I seem to be turning more to the thins these days.


Vintage Snares Vintage Kits
Posted on 17 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

For almost everything, I prefer a single-ply drumhead. I play acoustic jazz and so my main kits are usually a combination of Amabssadors (10 mil. thick single-ply) and Diplomats (7.5 mil. single-ply).

Two-ply heads are just too dead-sounding -unless they are used for low tunings on bigger size toms or bass which case, some two-ply heads work very well (like an Emperor on a floor tom). I use Ambassdors on the mid-range toms and Diplomats on the snare and higher-range tom toms.

Acrolites sound great with Ambassador or Diplomat weight heads.Burger Kin

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 17 years ago

I just love the Aquarian Hi-Energy on my Acro. It is extremely versatile and the power dot center is very loud and focused.

I have also heard good things about the Aquarian Jack DeJohnette head for Acros although I have not tried it personally.

Posted on 17 years ago
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