I'll look and see if I have a spare washer. I bought some from Ingo ( trixondrums.de), a few years ago but think I have extras. If not, Ingo may still have them. Check his site.
The washer should not come off normally, if everything is working right but they do. In looking at the legs , where the washer has come off and comparing them to ones where the washer has not come off, it seems that two things happen.
1) the spring stretches slightly and that, coupled with loose fitting feet allows the washer to wiggle around on the end. The center area can wear thin and it gets off center, it can fall into the tube and depart the spring.
2) using excessive force to pull the leg out, rather than just enough to clear the base will eventually stretch the spring and or cause the washer and leg end to deform .
worn or wiggly washers can be tack brazed to the spring. If done by a competent welder,with a small tip, there should be no heat spread and the chrome end of the tube will not suffer.