I have a very, very nice 16" x 18" diameter Black Diamond Pearl, Fullerton Floor Tom (transition as rest of the kit is Dayton tags speckled interiors also) that I would like to trade for 16" diameter if the same finish.

I recently acquired this with a kit I purchased to use and the 18" FT came with a kit that was 12, 13, 18 with a 20" bass drum. This kit was near flawless condition needing just a good cleaning and polish.

Hopefully someone has a couple of 16's and would like to swap one out for an 18".

I have completely rehabbed this one to include buffing and polishing the shell, and all the chrome items. There are a couple of minor flakes of missing chrome on the bottom rim. Also there is some, minor, and I mean minor pin hole sized pits on some of the lugs. It is perfectly in round and the bearing edges are perfect. Tag and muffler are perfect also. The knobby mounts are the machined type on all 4 legs and I re-peened when I had them off, just to be sure they wouldn't loosen up.

Let me know what you have and I can send some photos of this one if someone is interested in a trade.