I scooped this floor tom up along with my third set, giving me one floor tom too many! It's 14.5" tall, 16" in diameter. It has some warped black wrap that's cracked in one spot, but the hardware is in good condition. The shell is probably luan. Brand unknown, but probably Japanese. Might make a fun project drum for an MIJ enthusiast!

I'm not sure what it's worth trading for, so here's a list of things I'm hunting down. I'll take whatever you're willing to trade!

-6" concert tom or tom shell (5.5" or 6" deep), anything is acceptable!


-An 18" shell of any model/wood, at least 16" deep. Condition doesn't matter


-Rogers hardware (we're talking Swiv-O-Matic tom mounts, however many you'd like to trade for)

PM me, please!

If you don't have anything here but would like to make an offer I'll consider those as well. Thanks!




