
I'm looking for some thin bass spurs for my '60s no-name Japanese kit. The rack tom mounting hardware and lugs appear to be Slingerland copies. I believe the missing spurs on this 20" bass drum are Slingerland-sized as well. I *think* they're 5/16 ths -- I know 3/8 ths (like, floor tom leg size) is too big.

Any spurs at all on ebay etc are $25 and more. To me, that seems steep, but then again I bought an entire mismatched Slingerland kit in 1995 for $35. I have $125 total in this kit so far, including new heads. I'm not worried about originality, this is a fairly worthless Japanese bass no-name bass drum missing the resonating hoop (and apparently some cymbal mounting hardware) that I'm willing to drill holes in to have some spurs on it.

So if anyone has anything they'd be willing to part with cheap, please let me know.

Thanks, Matt