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They Don't Make Them Like They Used To.... Or Do They?


This has been running through my mind for a long time... It seems that the drums of the world started off as bad, got better, and are now getting worse...

I got a chance to talk to some veteran drummers... guys that had been playing pro since the 50's..... and many of them used 40's and earlier gear for awhile. Although there's a fun vintage vibe with the old stuff, it's easy to pick out the design flops... The earliest flat bottom cymbal stands weren't that stable, snapped very easily, tom mounts bent and failed easily, shells split under the mounts, lugs broke at the casings... just all kinds of nightmares. Hell, the shells would warp under the stress of a tom being mounted.

I got to hear a great story from Carmine Appice, when I met him at a clinic. At the early years of his pro career, he was a Ludwig endorser.. and repeatedly, when things would break, he'd send them back with a note, and over a few years, heavier duty stuff began to appear. Build quality went up and up and I really think hit a peak for Ludwig in the 70's... and for SONOR... in the 80's with the super duty Phonic series. Having a Phonic plus gives me great confidence that it's not going to fall apart when I need it to perform... from the thick screws in the hardware, to the very durable shells, I can count on it to hold up through great usage. The 70's Luds I saw at a friends drum shop confirmed my findings... very strong shells, a large quantity of tuning lugs, and super duty hardware...

It seems that in the 90's we started backsliding to cheaper stuff that wears out... it angers me some that what was once the pinnacle of build quality is now being thrown out the window and we are going back to worse hardware, worse shells, and thumbing our nose at durability.

Any thoughts?

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

Check the suppliers for some of those "changes". They went offshore. Even Ludwig and Rogers did this. When you switch suppliers to save a buck, quality and reliability tanks. Your epiphany is actually a well documented piece of drumming history.

Posted on 14 years ago

You could apply that story to a lot more than just drums. I have Craftsman sockets from the 60's and they are a different animal than what Sears has sold for the last 25 years.

Stuff like visors in cars. I had 60's cars and they always looked new - in some newer cars they just fall apart. The quality of most of the interior parts in the 60's cars were far better than what you get now, and that's strange because modern plastics are so much more advanced.

It's called "Bic Lighter Technology".

On the other side, people forget what we used to pay for stuff. Songs are free now. You can sit at home and get free lessons and free movies. You can learn how to fix anything. You can put free ads on Craigslist or go on the free section and get all kinds of stuff for free. I see free tv's there all the time, and in the 50's a tv cost $500 when the minimum wage was $1. That's 500 minimum wages... 500 minimum wages today would be $4000.

Look what we used to pay for long distance telephone service - youza...

Posted on 14 years ago

I had a similar discussion with a Gibson dealer about the guitar biz... one of the things that came up there was in regards to the quality of woods... Old Growth Woods... from then and now.

I think the asian market has contributed some to it for sure. I had some Luds made special at the beginning of the 2000's..... Classic Maples from NC. The hardware is Taiwan... but it's very well made.

Being a computer tech, I will say that Taiwan is actually a pretty decent place to get stuff from... as is Japan nowadays... in the 50's and 60's Japan was our Cheapo source, then Taiwan in the 80's...... Now the cheapies are China and Indonesia, and a little from Vietnam....

I have 2 complete working sets of drums that I use... a Ludwig Classic Maple, and the striped Sonor set I have pictured in an earlier post... I'm finishing that off with Generic hardware now as the budget doesn't sport for Genuine period correct Sonor.

Posted on 14 years ago
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