From Vipercussionist

Ya know, I've come to the conclusion that not every drum "has it" and some just make for pretty display pieces. Those are the ones I pass on to "collectors" while I'd rather have the worn and good sounding ones.

I'll agree with that. It always seems though that the drums that "have it" are the ones that look like crap! I guess that's not entirly true. I have just heard some really crummy looking drums sound pretty damn good. I actually prefer the late 60's Ludwigs the most. 68-69. There really is'nt much difference and truth be told I really love them all. I had a beautiful 20,12,14 champ sparkle Ludwig set from 1966. It's the only Ludwig set from the 60's I could never get to sound right. It just did not want to tune I guess. it really can be a crap shoot.Toilet