Actually it's just slightly above average, but now that I have your attention..

I am willing to trade the following items.

1. 24" Roger's Big R Kick Drum, in jet black finish (no bottom heads)

2. 13" Rogers big R Rack Tom " "

3. 16" Slingerland floor tom Black finish, with beavertail lugs...

unsure if it is slingerland or not. I have a post about it in the for sale

section, check it out. The three drums will make a great project kit.

All the hardware on this kit sells for like 200$ alone.

4. 20" Hand Hammered Medium Sabian Ride (amazing, and crash-able!)

5. 12" Agazarian (basically same as wuhan) china

6. 8" Agazarian Splash

7. 13" PDP Pacific Piccolo Snare Drum (just got it last January)

ALL OF THIS for a Rogers, or Slingerland set of three drums:

22 or 24" Kick (preferably 24")

12 or 13" Rack tom (preferably 13")

and a 16" or 18" Floor tom (preferably 16")

All in the same finish. Actually would prefer the butcher block, for

whatever reason people don't like that finish, but I love it.

(It's me! Cool1)

The wrap must be well glued, and the

hardware all present, bottom and top hoops.

Preferably late 60's-70's era.

To sum up these are some useful things that I do not need

as well as a good project kit, and all I really want is a functional player's

kit. I thought I would have the time to fix up this Roger's set

and It really sucks but I have to start doing some college stuff, and

finish school, so just to speed things along, can someone help a dude out?

Once again if you have a set of rogers drums that you do not need

anymore, please, all of this can be yours. Eye Ball

I don't know I think it's a pretty fair trade..

Pm me for pictures and stuff!

I Also have a few nice extra things if need be.. PEACE OUT!
