Ya I figured out about two weeks ago to search the garage sales. All I found so far was a "drumset for sale" at a yard sale. Problem was the sale was over. I sent the people an email to ask if the kit was sold. They replied that , no we did not sell it. And thats the last I have heard about it. I did post an add on Cl in the wanted section saying that I am looking for old drums to buy. So far I have bought a couple of snares real cheep but seems like its hard to get people to communicate thru that add. They like to call and ask "how much will you pay" with out giving me any details at all. Our local area Cl has been very slow lately, so I started searching outside of my area. My wife likes to go on little trips or " drum adventures" with me to look at drums. Sometimes we drive 80, 90 miles. In fact I was ready to Drive to Indiana to get a Ludwig standard kit but the guy sold it. So, we are not afraid to drive a little, its part of the drum collecting hobbie that just adds to the fun. Just thought that 200 was too far for MIJ kit.