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Star Drums?


That's good advice I see you are getting. Yeah, the coated heads are more for a jazz sound (or some may say 'vintage') OR you can go with clear heads for more of a modern rock sound. Both are used for all styles of music, as we are comparing styles with types of sound - and we are just giving you the common uses....but it really is a matter of personal preference. Listen to many other drumsets. The studio rings are typically used with clear heads. My advice, would be to follow my advice (clear heads, tune to the shell, use studio rings) BUT ALSO make sure you listen to drums with coated heads to get a sense of the sound they give. This is your choice you need to make, not ours. Most, if not all of us have used both, many continue to for different applications, but most of us also have our preferences. Keep in mind that these (sound-tone-head selection-------versus----style of music) are 2 different variables, though related, though not etched in stone. I'm sure you can figure out that the head selection determines sound, which apply to different types of music better. Listen to alot of kits with different heads before you buy heads. I do not have first hand experience with the Jammin Sams heads, just reported to me by a veteran drummer friend of mine who I highly respect (that they work well). Meanwhile, those deals offered up to you in the last post are great deals financially and surely you will be happy with those heads if you can afford them. We both just need to inform each other of the results if/when we try the Jammin Sams heads. I do have some and will be using them sometime this spring/summer and will report the results.

PLIES: Most guys on here (and the current trend I believe) use single ply heads. 2 and 3 ply heads were more popular in the 80s, though some still use them. 2 or 3 ply heads will give you more attack (even perhaps a slappy sound that was very popular in the 80s with the use of Remo Pinstripes) and less resonance; and the single ply head will give you a good balance of it all. No, single ply heads do not damage easier, as they are thicker than a given single ply on a multiple ply head.

The advice you are reading for BD is great advice. I have not tried OsakaBop's technique....and could be used with any type of head...with differing results. Consult OsakaBop on that....BUT Please report your results when you try that so we can hear more feedback on that technique. BTW, when you can afford it, I throw my vote (again) behind the Aquarian SK1.

Please remember to show us some of the shiny results when you are finished with your cleaning/polishing!!! This is where you are really going to be inspired to keep going and wish you had even more time to do this stuff. Just be sure not to neglect your relationships and responsibilities and become an unbalanced addict like some of us (myself included) have struggled with before.

BTW - where do you live (sorry if I missed that)?

Have fun!


I had a great day! Instead of sleeping in and wasting the day, I got up at 8 and I had all my slacking done by noon!

Posted on 12 years ago

Hey cn679

Thanks for the advice on the heads.

I called Jammin Sams today pretty sure I talked to sam on the phone for a couple of minutes. I need to get heads for both sides of the drums so from them it is around $100 with shipping and if I get where you guys showed me its looking between $160-$200... At the moment I don't have $100 to put in to these Violin

hahaha lol the other thing about the packs is for my snare which is a premier I bought a couple years ago (one of the best buys I have ever made) it sounds fantastic other drummers love it. Its got some great rimshot. It has a new head.... I have a pork pie little squeeler I bought two years ago and I never have got around to buying a diffrent head than the remo ambassador it came with... not only is it stretched... it doesn't sound beautiful anymore and the metal rim is actually starting to come off the head...LoLoLoLo

Time to buy a new head for that too...

John um.... about the hardware.... well.... um.... something went

wrong...Violin DOH

(something wrong would happen when I'd do it hehehe)

I kept it in the dishwater. and when I started to polish/scrub the chrome kinda cmae off and underneath it black? that comes off on the rag.... So it won't be looking shiny.... I am thinking maybe the best thing to do would be to go to the hardware store and get some nice rust stopper metallic spray paint... Which if I did that it could be any color hardware I want... Not sure if I should change from chrome to a gold color or a shiny metallic black... But the hardware cleaning didn't really work... When I try to remove the grime the chrome covering comes right with it...

Also I have slight problem with my tom I will post a pic tomorrow afternoon hopefully. Also any guesses on how thick the shells are on this kit? Do I need a better pic for that?

and I live in MN the great land of mosquitoes... they live beyond their rep here.... if you ever come bring a big zapper and mosquito net and prepare for the worst... hehe (ok they aren't to bad except in my neighborhood all of my neighbors insist on having ponds and living in the woods doesn't help...) hahaha ;-)



If you give a man a fire he will be warm for a day....
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life...
Posted on 12 years ago


Chrome came off?? I have left hardware in there (Dawn+water) for as long as 3-4 days and have not had that problem. Wonder if you used a different mixture than I? What did you 'scrub' it with? I just used a toothbrush with no additional agents. I have seen chrome flaking off hardware, but never as a result of the Dawn dish-soap treatment. Can you give more specifics?

I forgot to tell you that as far as I know, Jammin Sams does not sell BD heads. You probably already have that all figured out as you spoke with Sam.

It would be helpful if others on this site would chime in about heads offered by Jammin Sams. I have seen them come from them with a "Sunlite" logo before, but as I said-not used them yet, and still come highly recommended from veteran, highly respected drummer friend of mine.

Perhaps there is someone on here that lives close enough to you that you can meet up with him sometime so that they can demo certain head setups for case scenario....but anyone local by you will do. It would just be nice for you to get assistance in person from someone who is familiar with this forum/thread. If you lived closer to me, I would gladly meet up.

That is so disturbing about your chrome! More details please and surely we can help you pinpoint what went wrong. Most all of the old MIJ hardware I have encountered has featured good chrome work. The only 'bad chrome' I have seen is from the 80s-90s that was neglected and left in poor conditions.

Please shoot us some pics of your tom problem and also I am sure many here would like pics of your Premier snare (I know I would). I used to have a Premier - good stuff.


I had a great day! Instead of sleeping in and wasting the day, I got up at 8 and I had all my slacking done by noon!

Posted on 12 years ago

Hey John,

Um it did I guess... I just used the dawn dishsoap I had on hand... Part of the hardware was black which I assumed was dirt or grime but its actually what is underneath the chrome I guess??? I moved up from a toothbrush to a finger nail cleaner because it is a little bigger. I started a on a tom leg and it actually made it worse and the blakc stuff started to came out on the brush? I think it might need to just be repainted... I Might have put too much soap on too, because the soap is now kind of a white coating on e inside of some of the hardware.

It looks like they sell bass drum heads since they sell up 22" heads.

That would be sweet if anyone lived around me and would mind teaching a youngin' like me a few things about older drums and diffrent heads... If only my older sister still lived in Michigan.... hahaha ;)

Well that was the tom legs and some of th washers. I kind of gave up at that point because it was looking like repaintinge was the best option and I need to go get some paint.

This set has had what looks like some pitting and some rust... I mean it was stored for a long time before I bought it so not the best conditions. Anyways a coat of paint could do it good... But this probably means I will have dissemble every little piece to paint? oh well part of the fun ;)Jump For Joy

Ok here are the pics

pic 1)

This is one of the pieces of hardware you can see how the chrome color came off.

pic 2)

This is part of the tom shell as you can see the out part and well whatever you call the inner wooden ring are detached slightly. I am wondering how to reattach them and have it perfectly round since in the spot on the outside it is more flat than round.

Any ideas on how many ply thick these shells are?

pic 3)

This is my current set. If you notice my premier snare actually matches the kit... noticed that after I brought it home didn't even think about it when I bought it. Yes that is a quilt on the wall... my mom thought it would help "absorb" sound... but you need a few inches not a thin piece of clothe... haha

Right now I on the set I have a 20" whuhan ride (really jazzy and trashy) It was cheap, but had been well used. It has a large crack in the middle and its days are sadly numbered :-( I also have a 20" B8... that was is actually cracked too, but that one I understand it had a lot of years of use and I used to play really hard... My Pork pie little squealer is in front there. In the back is a rare 1973 SG (by Gibson) bass fullstack (it weighs 148) lol hahaha thats another project I got her for $50.. it just needs a new pair of tubes and she will work like a charm. Also my roland JC-55 is down there too I got that for $75! (I like getting good deals on used stuff) ;-)


These are my favorite cymbals my two meinl ones that I got for cheap... but once I upgrade (I have ambitious plans of getting about 2k worth of cymbals... someday... which looks more and more distant... I will have a couple of rides, a couple pairs of hats, and some crashs. In hopes for a set that will be well versetile for most any music genre except for punk or metal (not really into those)...

Also in the pic is my pedal board I built this last month it still needs some more pedals before it is complete, but it half way there... lol

pic 5)

Finally a closer shot of my snare. Its not a vintage by any means, but I love how it sounds... it sound fantastic... lol in the background is my bass and my Amopeg b200r lol

well you have now seen most of my music room lol :-D



If you give a man a fire he will be warm for a day....
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life...
Posted on 12 years ago

First of all.....STOP. Whatever you are doing with the chrome cleaning project is backfiring on you! Don't let this ruin anymore of your gear!


I have some ideas, but do not profess to be a genius on this....then it is always hard to make a diagnosis when you are not there seeing it in person. My guess is that you used too strong a concentration of soap, or left it all soaking too long, or a combination of the two. If you had a weak/poor chrome job on it, it will be more susceptible to damage. (That's the third factor). Any combination of those factors could have been the cause. I never had to brush all that hard either, with a used wore out toothbrush. Somewhere on this forum is an exact formula (ratio) to use (soap vs. water). I have never followed it, but evidently, my mixture was not too strong, I did not leave it in too long, my chrome job (I am referring to the condition of the chrome and it's sticking to the steel) was strong and I evidently did not (and did not have to) scrub/brush too hard. That's all I can think to advise you with, as I have never run into this problem. From the looks of it, yes, that is the chrome coming off and the bare steel underneath. Anything else you have soaking....get it out of that dishwater now I guess. Like I said......


No, don't go changing the color of your hardware of your entire kit because one part went bad. Those legs are cheap to replace and besides, in the meantime, you can go ahead and paint it with chrome paint, but also you can hide that leg very easily until you buy a replacement. Perhaps this is a good thing so as to indicate the condition of the rest of the hardware on that kit? I am guessing here and trying to look on the bright side.

Humm....that shell. I have an idea of what is going to have to be done....but I, myself, would not touch that. I would take that to my drum builder guy I use. They will have to use glue, some pieces of wood, and a bunch of clamps. Hopefully it can be repaired into its round shape.

ANY REFERENCES (REFERRALS) FOR HIM, YOU GUYS.....He's in Minnesota...we're gonna need your zip code.

BTW, in case nobody here can refer you to a drum repair guy, try this (as it has worked for me before).

Call Anderson Trading in Anaheim ( and ask for Bonnie. She can refer you to one of her customers who builds drums - who lives in your area. They have many customers who buy shells from them, who are drum builders. They will not remember me (though I am a customer in their database) but tell them that I said THEY ROCK! That is one A1 company who I highly recommend for shells (check out their site).

I'll let someone else chime in on how many plies, more about your drums...perhaps jonnistix can chime in on this stuff.

You got it goin' on with the gear! What kind of kit is that? The snare is an XPK model from the mid/late 90s, made from birch/eucalyptus/birch. I used to have one exactly like it, bought it brand new in 1998 (the whole kit for $800) and just sold it this last summer to a friend of mine. He's selling it now.....

Here, you can take a looksy to see my actual drumset I speak of here. Yeah, I took very good care of it. I have a kit now that looks just like it, but is a 9ply maple/moh/maple (see my signature).....I snagged that up real cheap and have not even had a chance to touch it since I bought it many months ago. So many drums, so little time!! Ya have to have a newer, classy kit in the arsenal! (Hey, see my attached pics!)

Getting back to your stuff here -

Looks like you are doing pretty well in the cymbal category. You may want to take some pics of your cracked cymbals and consult on here about repairing them so that they last longer (especially before they get worse). I said, hit the brakes a bit on the chrome cleaning and hopefully my hypothesizing has been helpful and we can also get another opinion from someone else on here (who has used the Dawn treatment method).


2 attachments
I had a great day! Instead of sleeping in and wasting the day, I got up at 8 and I had all my slacking done by noon!

Posted on 12 years ago

When I saw that.... I poured out all the water... I would mess something simple up DOH

Well I did use a lot of soap and I did keep them in the water a long time so yep a combination of those.... I manage to mess something up again.... Falling Do

My zip code is 55304... the problem with the whole set it well I would absolutely love to redo them, but not having a ton of cash is an issue... the car I am driving is a guzzler... cough cough (stupid wrx) I want a PRUIS lol ;-D.... which would leave much more a month for these types of things...

so while I would love to bring the tom well probably all the shells on this one need some work.. I am not sure if the kick is completely round... I don't think I have the money to do it all....

I will check out the company though thanks for the reference. :-) What exactly does need to be done? Does it have to be a drum builder or would a carpenter be able to do this? I know a couple who might be willing to help me, but believe me they are by know means drummers....

You live in Ann Arbor! No way hahaha thats where my sister lived until last summer... That is a really nice area.

My older brother is always amazed at my ability to buy things at really good deals or well beyond what they worth... he know consults me now because somehow I find something... I am good at shopping... This vintage drums I bought more to sell it was a whim buy I thought I was getting a ludwig ringo kit lol... I thought maybe they would be a good set to play too I wasn't sure...

That pork pie little squealer I got for $85 new thats including shipping from washington and it came with a better than stock head... (when they retailed for $185-over $200) hahaha that was a snag...

the base kit is a pearl export (it has another tom by I keep that in storage) I don't know anything beyond that except its an export.. I think late 90's... I want the Premier your friend is selling hahaha :-D I love the sound of those

Well the cymbals can't be fixed the b8 ride already has been dremeled... and well at this point to take more of the edge out would drastically change the sound of the cymbal... The crack hasn't grown too much since it got fixed. the whuhan isn't really fixable I got it really cheap anyways so I can't complain. My drum teacher did what he could. But once they are cracked they are cracked...

I like the looks of your kit though.

well I guess we will see if they are any drum builders around willing to help won't we.... ;-)

thanks the help too Bowing



If you give a man a fire he will be warm for a day....
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life...
Posted on 12 years ago

What's wrong with the kit? I am just too lazy to read down right now. Are you having trouble with the shells? I see the chrome problem. Get some Turtle Wax Rubbing compound, it's time to wear out your fingers. That might get the black off.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 12 years ago

I had a tom hoop with that, loosing chrome, problem. I suspect the thin chrome plating was damaged from years of abuse and when I attempted to clean it, the damaged chrome flaked off. I wouldn't worry too much about it if it's localized to that ft leg or spots on more than one. I polished my damaged hoop and the chrome parts are shiny...the raw metal parts aren't. I hid the ugly hoop on the bottom of the floor tom and may replace it at some other time. It works fine now and the raw metal is protected by the rubbing compound I used for polishing. The first photo is of the hoop after cleaning w/ dawn and before polishing. The second, although blurry, is of the polished and mounted hoop where you can't tell chrome is missing. I can take a better, after, pic when I get home if you'd like to see the full polished hoop with missing chrome bits.

Good luck!


2 attachments
'65/'66 Slingerland Stage Band in Red Sparkle Pearl
'67 Rogers Buddy Rich Headliner in Blue Sparkle Pearl
'49 WFL 6.5x14 Contest Snare
'55 Slingerland 7x14 Hollywood Ace Snare
'70's Premier PD2000 5x14 Snare
50's & 70's Zildjian/Paiste Cymbals
Posted on 12 years ago

From meinl

Hey John,pic 2)This is part of the tom shell as you can see the out part and well whatever you call the inner wooden ring are detached slightly. I am wondering how to reattach them and have it perfectly round since in the spot on the outside it is more flat than round. Any ideas on how many ply thick these shells are?Shalom,Matthias

Where the reinforcement ring is separating, wood glue and a few claps, with some cloth to protect the wrap. The bump in the shell is called a scarf joint. You can't do anything about it.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 12 years ago

From meinl

... the problem with the whole set it well I would absolutely love to redo them, but not having a ton of cash is an issue...well probably all the shells on this one need some work.. I am not sure if the kick is completely round...

On not having time or $ to do it all...

The photos you posted earlier don't really show the overall condition of the drums. You may just want to wipe the shells with a damp rag then clean them with a spray detailer like Eagle One Wax as You Dry, or another brand that also contains carnauba wax, to shine them up(or don't shine them). Re-use any head that aren't damaged, I still have the original res heads on both of my toms, and buy what you can afford. If you decide to take on the entire kit at once, you are in for a good long time commitment, so break it up if you can. Your drums will still sound good if the chrome has some pitting or rust and isn't shiny. Tackle one bass drum hoop at a time if that's all the time you have, or finish the damaged tom, but put the rest back together. It's not a crime nor will it show lack of effort if you part out your project into small, manageable segments. You may just keep your sanity this way...

anyway, just my:2Cents:

Peace & rhythm,


'65/'66 Slingerland Stage Band in Red Sparkle Pearl
'67 Rogers Buddy Rich Headliner in Blue Sparkle Pearl
'49 WFL 6.5x14 Contest Snare
'55 Slingerland 7x14 Hollywood Ace Snare
'70's Premier PD2000 5x14 Snare
50's & 70's Zildjian/Paiste Cymbals
Posted on 12 years ago
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