Found this kit on e-bay a couple of weeks ago, all-original matched set dated June 1970. There were no photos of the inside of the shells, only the outside - my mistake there, I should have asked. I pulled the trigger anyway (excited to get one of those), the box came in a couple of days ago and I was like 'sweet'. As soon as I opened it, I saw this. I asked a friend who's into drum restorations and he said it's no good as a player's drum anymore, cause the damaged part won't vibrate Hurting I know some of you guys are quite experienced with problems like that (and I've seen some really impressive work on this forum), so I thought I'd get an opinion before I do anything about it. Mind you, the rest of the kit is in great shape and the heads hadn't been removed in a very long time - it's possible that my seller didn't know about this until he packed the kit. Whaddya guys think?