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So Who Built My Kit?


So I did some detective work concerning the origins of my Norma kit, and I came across a company named Teisco, who it seems distributed and marketed Norma drums and guitars. They also distributed Del Rey drums. I haven't seen much talk about Teisco here.

From what I have gathered, they didn't actually build drums, but outsourced them from other builders and then distributed them. They were mostly known for guitars, including Norma guitars. So my question kind of remains - who actually built these drums? Are they from the Big 3, Pearl/Star/Hoshino? Or will the world never know?:D

PS - Teisco made Kimberly guitars and my first guitar was a Kimberly. It was really cheap and just a kids toy really, nothing close to what Ibanez or Aria Pro's were, but there is one on e Bay right now with an asking price of $3000!!!DOH

Posted on 5 years ago

Hi JS!

Your detective work enforces what many of us find to be true...there are always those drums out there that are really difficult to pin down the manufacturer! Looking back at the original pictures you posted of your Norma kit, I noticed the style of tom holder bracket. I was unable to track that one down!

I did find a picture of a Norma snare drum in my collection. It's recent, too! Sold on eBay this past April for only $12.50! All original, too! The hardware on this one points directly to Star. And it's the model 8256.


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Posted on 5 years ago

Thanks Mark.

Wow, $12.50 for what looks like a very nice snare drum. Great pick-up! It looks completely different than mine however. Lugs and strainer release are way different. I wasn't aware that Norma, or any other MIJ drums for that matter, even made steel snares. I will have to look closer at the hardware on mine and start comparing. Maybe that will give me a good hint. I'd be very happy to know its a Star! Where did you find the serial/part number?

That's funny about the tom mount. I kind of thought it was common, although I never looked real closely at them to be honest.

And the search continues!

Posted on 5 years ago

I would guess that your search has ended! Judging from the lugs and especially the strainer, I am relatively certain the snare was made by Star. I collect vintage Stars and have several identical lugs and strainers. It should sound good with proper heads and tuning! Congratulations!


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 5 years ago

From JimmySticks

Thanks Mark.Wow, $12.50 for what looks like a very nice snare drum. Great pick-up! It looks completely different than mine however. Lugs and strainer release are way different. I wasn't aware that Norma, or any other MIJ drums for that matter, even made steel snares. I will have to look closer at the hardware on mine and start comparing. Maybe that will give me a good hint. I'd be very happy to know its a Star! Where did you find the serial/part number?That's funny about the tom mount. I kind of thought it was common, although I never looked real closely at them to be honest. And the search continues!


I saw this drum on eBay and didn't bid, as I'm not collecting MIJ metal-shell snare drums. Still, for what it sold for, I would've liked to have it in my collection!

You can find a real treasure trove of vintage catalogs at

I'm not sure now where I found all my Star catalogs, but I do have a nice selection in PDF format. Looking through the 60's catalogs does turn up the metal-shell snare drum and part number.


Posted on 5 years ago

Some used orange sparkle Norma drums were my first at 14

Since I started collecting mijs I have picked up a Norma kit or two

and a few partials and orphaned singles

Of these drums I have noted some to be Star built all the way 1st. pic

as the familiar hardware alone is enough to easily I D them.

But then there are also the Norma badged kits

that have the Gretsch cloned lugs? 2nd pic.

nothing like the Star made version at all.

the snare drums on these same kits have a Slingerland clam shell inspired throw

and the bass drum T rods and claws are total 60's Slingerland copies

The Del Rey kits and also Rocket drums are all the same or similar build

I am still not 100% sure what maker is responsible for these kits ?

But knowing they are not Star or Pearl my best guess so far would be Hoshino K.

but I have recently learned that some other drums I had lumped in with Hoshino K turned out to be Sakae built. so who knows?

There is also this line of Norma badged center lug kits that used lugs that looked somewhat like a Ludwig bowtie 3rd pic

(my drums have no badges but the only other drums I have ever seen of this style all had Norma badges)

though they are as cool as all get out from a visual standpoint at least

unfortunately the build quality is very flimsy on them even by MIJ standards

I have them down as being Hoshino K built as well ...I think ?

The Norma music scale badge pressed from thin metal is identical

on all the drums no matter what the actual maker

Its interesting to me that it is the only badge that has never changed

I noticed also that many of the Hoshino made examples

have no actual grommet installed at the vent hole to finish off the "O" in the word Norma.

only the two usual nails on each end of the badge serve to secure it to the drum.

Posted on 5 years ago

Kenwood! Excellent information and love your Norma kits!


Posted on 5 years ago

Hello Mark.... Hey Thank You very kindly there pal

I unfortunately do not have anything too pristine in the Norma department

The one complete kit I have is so UV faded that the wood grain of the luan shell under the wrap shows through in some places

So far I have a mounted tom and snare in the orange sparkle to some day replicate that first kit

They are of the Gretsch inspired version, and try though I have, I just can not recall if my original kit was this style or not??

those details are cloudy, but I do remember I ran with no resonant head on my bass drum, I had a string of the old fashioned screw in type Christmas tree lights clipped around the inside of the resonant edge and that my throne was an old wooden soda box

I tied off a length of electrical cord to the bottom two T rods on the batter side and then looped it behind me as I sat, just to keep the bass drum from creeping along the concrete floor. I learned that clothesline rope will work also.

My bass pedal fell apart halfway through nearly every song,

and I could completely invert my hat cymbals just by applying a little too much pedal

My music source was a cheap mono record player by Philco I totally wore out my copy of Machine Head on that thing

All this is as clear as a bell

but I just can not recall the darned lug style on those puppies

Thanks again Mark

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 6170 Threads: 255

Picked up this very small Norma kit at the Chicago Show a few months ago. Haven't detailed it and got it like I want yet. Been way to busy. Has a great tone to it.

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Posted on 5 years ago

Mike I tried to make a deal for that little kit

just before your seller brought them to the show

but we could not get together on them $$

They being so unique, and with the show just around the corner

Posted on 5 years ago
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