Looking at this cymbal on eBay. Everything checks out fine except there appear to be small cracks around the center hole. Should I be concerned about these? Thanks....pic below.
Small cracks around hole a good buy?
It`s all done !!
.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
If you're able to get a good deal...one thing you can do to prevent the spreading of cracks like that is to file the crack using a small, fine, round file until you get to the end of the crack. In essence...you would be creating your own keyhole effect...but should stop the cracking. Just my two cents...
I've wondered about this as well. You see old Ks with pronounced bell cracks selling for lots of dough, but when there's an old A of similar age with similar bell cracks, it's considered "done". At what point will people say, "bell cracks be darned, this old A is great and commands a high price", and I wonder if now is the time to start buying up all of those 40s/50s/60s "worthless because of the bell crack" Zildjian A cymbals?
1965 Ludwig Hollywood
1970 Ludwig Jazzette
Ok, I`ve found that when you play the bell that cracks really don`t matter much, but when you tele-cast it or just plain wack it, (Rock-N-Roll) the crack sizzles, and grows. The hole at the end idea works well and I suppose the file idea combined can cure the damage but it`s still cured damage !!
.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Thanks, guys. The cymbal is up for $99, but in light of what you said, I think I'll pass on this one. If I get a vintage cymbal, I want it to be in decent shape and problem free.
You can use a dremel grinder with a carbide burr on it and grind 2 skinny lines to the ends of the cracks or make it all one larger grind incorperating the two cracks together in one grind. It wont be that bad and will not spread anymore. $99 dollars...probably good idea to pass...you could try to offer less and see what happens.
Grommet the hole.
Looking at this cymbal on eBay. Everything checks out fine except there appear to be small cracks around the center hole. Should I be concerned about these? Thanks....pic below.http://www.flickr.com/photos/trylikeafool/5982975717/
As others have suggested its probably workable, but unless there is a really compelling reason to take the risk and go through the effort of preventing further damage, why bother.
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