Apologies for cross posting the following, which I accidently posted in the Restoration section :


I've just come from a thrift shop, where I saw an old WMP Slingerland drum. I didn't look at it as closely as I problably shoud, because I'm not really a collector (yet), but I've been thinking about it and would like to find out more. It's deep - probably 7", and it has clip lugs something like the ones seen in this drum


At least two of the lugs, possibly three, are broken - the clips are cracked off where they go over the hoop, so that they don't hold any more. Other than that, it seems in good shape, though I didn't even look at the snare strainer much. The finish is very yellowed.

So my questions are - what are the chances of getting replacements for the broken clips ? How would I go about figuring out what is a reasonable price to pay for such a drum ? Is there any way of dating it ? Are there other things I should check if I go back ?

Thanks from a newbie,


P.S the badge resembled the "cloud" badges shown on the badge ID page, but I'm not sure exactly which one.