So, as some of you may remember...I picked up a Silver Sparkle Slingerland kit recently that has a 20 inch "POP" (single headed) bass drum (100% original including original reverse logo batter head). Its a mid-1970's drum. 5 ply (as POP bass drums were) with the corrugated chrome inner liner and chrome bumper in the front.

I love the 12/13/14 toms that came with the kit, but I am the type of guy who plays his vintage kits, and frankly I will never play this kit with a single headed bass drum. Since it was a "custom ordered" kit (and I have a line on a matching double headed bass drum)..I don't feel bad splitting it up to someone who needs the bass drum to complete an original "POP" outfit.

If you need some pics, please let me know. I can send as many as you would like. It's in great original condition including the "reverse logo" batter head. I am asking $200 for the drum plus shipping. I think you can get it shipped in the USA for roughly $35 but it depends on your location. I will be posting this on ebay soon, but I wanted to give the forum first dibs.
