Hi folks -
I just finished cleaning up a Rogers R-380 snare. It had the original heads when I got it, though I installed new consumables so it would sound tops - and indeed it does. I noticed that there is not one of these in the gallery and thought it would be a good candidate to add. I do not know the process of submitting pics for the snare drum gallery, so I just thought I would throw these pics up here. I need to clip the straps, but just happened to have it outside to show a friend today - and thought I would snap some shots.
The lugs are very heavy and all these parts are top grade quality stuff - a steel shell, and thicker hoops (2.3mm I suppose). I have heard that these are quite close to other Rogers snare models (same shell as ______).
It will look and sound nice with my White Pearl R-380 kit that I just got recently....though that is a project that will take quite a while before I can afford to re-wrap - as all the wrap is split (on every drum). That kit is 68-69, not sure - but surely the first of the R-380s.
These (including this snare) were made by Yamaha and indeed there is a small 'made in Japan' sticker on this snare shell. At the same time, it is engineered by Rogers. In my opinion - the best of both worlds. I tend to see things as glass half full - It's a Rogers/It's a Yamaha - cool!
PLEASE don't let this turn into a big debate over this Real Rogers vs. Asian Crap. Those who tend to muck that up are simply not knowledgeable about the first generation of the R-380s and don't know that they were made by Yamaha and head and shoulders above the rest of the MIJ at that time. Note: I have learned that 67-68ish is right when Yamaha was just starting to make drums. That makes it more interesting to me as well. The toms/BD are BIRCH and something else. Very Heavy drums. Nice, thick, high grade drums.
Someday I will get that kit re-wrapped and will post those pics up here. Need $200 to wrap (at least) and a floor tom leg mount.
Meanwhile, enjoy this pic of the snare....I'm lovin' it!