Hey folks! I'm new here. So, Hi! Also, I'm not terribly well versed on vintage drumspeak, so you'll have to excuse my descriptive liberties.
I've got a crazy old Rogers kit (In a particularly bizarre set-up in the old photo) I've had for about 10 years I thought I'd share with you drum nuts, maybe you can help educate me. I'm in Atlantic Canada, where I bought the kit from a kid back when I was in a lousy band in high-school. I didn't (still don't) know too much about drums but it was an old Rogers and I knew that was probably a good thing. It's not complete, and it's certainly not perfect, but I've got a soft spot for the old girl. I'd like to learn what I would need to get it back as close as I can to original prim and proper.
Here's what I think I know:
(Late 70's?) Powertone, there's a paper label still intact inside the bass.
Koa finish (some scratches and rashing on the bass shell from both of the toms)
24" Bass
The larger tom is 14", - I keep the kit at a friend's house so it's not on hand to measure the others, at the moment.
Some of the stands and hardware are just random brands, the snare is a deep shelled chrome Pearl of some kind.
Here's what I'd like to know:
1. The drums are Rogers script, but my bass pedal and high-hat stand have the Big R logo on them in black. I suspect they're from a newer Rogers kit than my actual drums, but could they have sold a kit with both logos on the hardware? Was it from some weird transition period, perhaps?
2. Currently there's 1 (maple?) hoop on the bass, I am still searching for its mate. I may just pony up the $100 odd dollars for a new raw maple hoop and try to stain it to match, but I'm not sure if the maple hoop is original. I've spoken to a local vintage drum fellow about finding a hoop and he believed the proper hoops may have been inlaid... I've seen examples of black hoops with koa inlay, could that be what I'm looking for?
3. Would there have been a matching koa shell or chrome powertone snare? Would the snare often be sort of an interchangeable piece when bought new? I think I've got what may be the original snare stand, but it's a bit odd, I don't use it.
Bass rash (character, I call it) aside, the drums are really quite in lovely shape. One of the... (Swiv-o-matic?) knobs on the tom mounts has had the biscuit, won't hold the ball joint jobby in place, which is probably why all that drum rash occoured.
Again, any insight would be much appreciated. What I should be looking for, where I might be able to dig it up, anything is great, really!
I'll upload some better photos when I get a chance, if that helps. Thanks so much, gang!