I'm helping my neighbor with selling this lot off, I have very limited pictures at the moment but will grab more tomorrow. Here's the low down.
Mix of Rogers WMP Drums - Early to Mid 60s
All interiors are flat grey, look almost untouched. Paper badges are all there and minty.
All wraps are original and tight, all hardware is functional. New heads installed, but original heads will be included as well.
2 - Rogers Holiday Cleveland Bass Drums 14x20
2 - Rogers Holiday Cleveland Toms 8x12 w/ original internal mufflers
1 - Rogers Powertone Fullerton Tom 9x13
1 - Rogers Holiday Cleveland Floor Tom 16x16
1 - Rogers Luxor Cleveland B&B Snare 5x14
1 - Rogers WMP Canister Throne
1 - Rogers Swivomatic Bass Drum Pedal - pictured/new strap
1 - Rogers Swivomatic Bass Drum Pedal - later model
Loads of misc. parts - bass drum front spurs, original double tom holder (pictured)
Vintage Hardshell Cases for All Drums (except for Fullerton Tom)
All lugs are 100% free of cracks.
A few different selling options:
-The whole lot for $3000 shipped
-A Classic Londoner Set up 12/12/16/20 + Snare w/ hardware for $2500 + shipping
Will break up if the whole lot won't go...But he obviously would prefer to get rid of the lot.
Again, I will be getting more detailed pictures tomorrow evening and will add them. Make me offers, suggestions, we need all the help we can get here.