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Rip talker hawkins

Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

Someone asked what my post about drummers and other musicians being replaced in a band has to do with the death of Taylor Hawkins. My post was very much related to previous posts that say talk of replacing Hawkins in the band is disrespectful.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 617 Threads: 7

From leedybdp

Someone asked what my post about drummers and other musicians being replaced in a band has to do with the death of Taylor Hawkins. My post was very much related to previous posts that say talk of replacing Hawkins in the band is disrespectful.

Leedy, I know this place is your personal playground. I'll stay away from now on.

Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 977 Threads: 124

Absolutely hilarious post about "Talker." Won't even comment about spelling because it's so bad its good.

Have not posted in years and rarely peek; this place hasn't been what it once was in countless years. If the death of VDF is not nigh, then it's a dead man's forum.

Never thought I'd ever see anyone here or elsewhere ballsy enough to take a shot at Bunny ;).

It's a slap in the face of a man bigger than you.

Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

To All hey no harm meant

who am I to judge

I’m am sorry mr Carlos I had no right

I’m a no one your infamous one of the best ….

good by gang

I’m done

live well and prosper

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

I sure hope that Bun didn't think that I was ragging on him. I was meaning to say that it is not disrespectful to comment on replacing "Talker" in his band so soon after his drug-related death. I also meant to say that it was not disrespectful of Charlie Watts to replace him as he was dying because it is common knowledge that Charlie urged the Stones to replace him and continue to perform. Thirdly, I meant to imply that it was, indeed, disrespectful in my opinion for Bun to be ousted from his long-time band, and replaced by the son of another band member.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 2 years ago

Please guys, we can't afford to have anyone drop out of the VDF. We're all here because we love discussing vintage drums. Let's stick to that.

Before we hit the SEND button, let's all proofread what we've typed so we don't make any ridiculous spelling errors, and if we're carrying any anger in our heads over some unrelated matter, let's take 5 minutes to cool off before we send something that we may later regret.

We've all done that. Guys will be guys. I hope we can let this angry discussion die and renew our focus on our love of vintage drums.

Thanks, mb

Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 977 Threads: 124

Guessing the party you were inexplicably referring to is likely the most prominent, famous, member of the forum. Why on earth you'd mention anything to do with his not being in that band is literally beyond comprehension.

Speaking of parties: the above's like asking your wife at a dinner party how goes the herpes.

He doesn't need my help, btw.

As for the Zorro of mis-spellers and poor punctuation? Well, I like to imagine he's riding a comet and holding on for dear life while messaging earthlings with a free thumb. Could read for errors and comprehension, but he's struggling to stay alive.

Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

I hope this doesn't come across as being out of line or anything, but....I actually had a good friend who grew up with dyslexia. When he wrote stuff, it often came out kinda jumbled or whatever. Didn't really matter to us because he was our friend, regardless....Sometimes, jag's posts have that same feel to them. Maybe it's something less related to being disrespectful and more a matter of finding it difficult to see the words and placement of them. So, when I saw the "Talker Hawkins" thing, I just assumed it might be something like that. I don't thing jag hog's sentiments were disrespectful, but I understand how it might be read that way by some members.

And I honestly didn't know that Bun had been ousted and replaced. I saw Cheap Trick at the Rapid City, (South Dakota) Civic Center in 1977...Did you see me, Bun? ;) That was a fun night for me and all my friends who went with me. Recently, I ran across a clip of them being inducted in the RR Hall of Fame...I guess it was from several years ago, though. I kind of made a fool of myself, here, making a thread congratulating Bun on the induction thinking it was something that just happened. But, even in my ignorance, I never meant to be disrespectful or tear the scab of any wounds.

As far as this forum been "slow", "dreary" or whatever...There really doesn't need to be an abundance of drum discussion forums, anymore. We are more of a quaint, antiquated specialty shop buried in a remote town in the Carpathian mountains. Stop by whenever you feel like it. We'll be here for ya! :)

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 977 Threads: 124

4 years or so ago, about the time of my last post, give or take a year, it was established that Gary talks to his phone which proves to be a poor interpreter and then posts without bothering to edit.

I'd be the last to mock someone with a learning disability. Some very famous folks do that and get quite a few yucks. Not even Jada could give a raging stink-eye to send a mere 1 up to smack the wack job.

Posted on 2 years ago

I have seen Jaghog, for lack of a better term, picked on, for numerous reasons over the years. I have never understood it because I have never seen him post anything that seemed mean spirited. I noticed a long time ago that his spelling and grammar aren't the greatest. I have no knowledge of why, and there could be many possible reasons, all of which would be really uncool to make fun of. I saw no ill will with his post. So, I took exception with bec jumping on him.

I think it would truly be a shame for jaghog to leave. BEC for that matter.

As far as "taking a shot at" bec, sorry, but as far as I'm concerned he is just another member. I have had a few short PMs with him on another forum over the years and they were always pleasant. I have always treated him as just another drummer and have never gotten the impression he expects anything more. If anything I got the impression he appreciated it. I thought his post to jaghog was out of line so I said something. I certainly wasn't "taking a shot" at him or trying to stir up any trouble.

So jaghog misspelled Taylor's name and now he said he is leaving which is truly a shame. I hope he will reconsider.

Posted on 2 years ago
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