I haven't posted here in ages, but I thought I'd share pix and a sound file for a cymbal I grabbed yesterday. On a lark, I made my biennial stop at a local music store, and found a hollow block stamp Zildjian in rough shape, with a crack around 1/3 of the bell. It's 22" in diameter, and weighs in around 2100g. It looks to me like something heavy got dropped on it at some point.
The price was low enough for me to take a chance on it. I've tried to keep the repairs as minimal and unobtrusive as possible. I drilled the ends of the two cracks I found, and started with two bolts, and gradually worked my way up to four, which I think is enough, as I no longer hear any extraneous buzzing/rattling:
...and while I'm not a big fan of sound files, here's a quick one I threw together:
:) I think I'll keep it - baby it, use it for special gigs, etc.