Ok, learning curve is in use....

This is not a normal move as I'm learning at the moment....

You will not see any attachments on the this forum for now....

The forum software has two options for storage of these image files and currently they are being stored on the database...

Well, the database just for this is 250MB which is huge....

So, we are currently moving this huge file in two sections (which takes hours) - in the morning to the new server and not trying to fix it here on the old forum...

All of the data is safe....

So for a little while, no pictures as attachments....

After the new server is set, then we will switch the system to store the images in a protected folder on the server, which will make things even faster....

I have two different programmers, one in NY and one in CA both helping me with this.. Well, one helps the other bills by the hour...

This is nothing either expected, since this is not a normal process for most programmers...

Other then the hang tight...
