
I've got an acrylic bass drum and floor tom that are in extremely nice shape. The only issue with each is that the seam on the respective shell has separated.

I'd like to resolve this issue myself if possible, rather than to have a third party charge me some unreal price to "re-glue" the seams. I've been told that a product called Weld-on #3 would be the ideal adhesive to use for this job.

Before starting, I've got a few questions that I hope you can help me with:

1. Is the re-gluing job something that I should be able to handle myself?

2. Is the Weld-On #3 product the BEST adhesive to use to correct the seam separation? If not, what would you suggest?

3. Would anyone out there know where I could purchase the required acrylic adhesive in the state of Michigan?

THANKS TO ALL in advance for your help!