Thought I'd share this see what you fine people think.
What I have here is a Slingerland Radio King re-issue made in 1995, post Niles era. I'd played so many gigs with my 6.5" deep metal Slingerland snare that I bought with the kit in 1980 and was a little tired of it so when I visited my favorite drum shop of the day (J.C's, Detroit area) and he had one of these I bought it and used it for 10 years of gigs. Love this drum, fat and warm and articulate and decidedly not metal sounding. For the money it cost, the throw-off is not a premium bit of hardware but it's functional. The white finish is a lacquer and I've managed to chip some off over time but the thing that makes the drum is the one-piece shell. Plus it matched my plain white rest of the kit albeit not as yellowed as the wrapped drums. And now that I've taken some pics I see that it could use a tear-down and reconditioning but i'll get to that soon.