I have been struggling with my thick shell 20" bass for over 18 months. Yesterday I had another new drummer friend over to "fit him for a donor kit" for a "Christian Metal" band for our church.

He is looking to start a new ministry for a completely different crowd, young (20-35) metal heads. He has played metal sized monster kits for a long time, yet when he left Ohio to come back home had to sell his kit and has been without for the last 3 years, COMPLETELY w/out drums...so you all know where this is going.

I loaned him 1 of my snares and stand to allow the guy to get working in his chops.

Anyway, the bass I have been struggling with for so long "had a problem"...had nothing to do with me...right. I have put at least 7 different types and weights of heads on this one and finally found the right one: a Pinstripe, and it tuned so fast it blew my mind. So, the typical grey painted Star stencil shell, so far, sounds best with the PS with 2 stripes.

So now it is time for the community, once again, to help, if you will. For some reason he loves Planet Z and ZBT cymbals. Any help will be appreciated from the church, in this case, I am only the messenger

If anyone has a full set or parts of this setup and would like to donate them, I am sure we can work something out. Just another deal for the cause. He has agreed to be a teacher in exchange for my, and everyones help.