I am new to these forums but I've played for 35 years. I am looking for a bop type kit (even though I'm not a jazz drummer per se). Here in Sydney AUS, vintage kits are like hen's teeth. I owned a Rogers kit which I sadly sold when I received my first sponsorship from Pearl. I understand the sound difference between birch and maple, because I've owned both in kits. I also owned a Premier kit which was probably not maple, judging from how I remember the sound. Birch sounds great in toms for rock; I know I prefer maple for kicks and I still own a beautiful Pearl GLX Maple kit in black nitro, made in Japan in about 1980. I wanted to ask what Ludwigs were made from - the classic kits - is it mahogany? How would you chracterize the sound? Brighter or warmer than maple? I am interested in getting some shells to make my own classic kit (since I can't find a decent set of originals) and I am trying to decide whether or not to stay with maple, or try mahogany. Gretsch seem to be considered the ultimate jazz kit and I always thought they were thin maple, as were Rogers. If anyone can recommend a CD that definitely has Ludwigs on it (apart from Ringo - I have all his work!) I'd appreciate it.