Hey Bill, wondering if you can help clear up the details about the elusive "1954" stamp. There are a few examples that have been identified as the 1954 stamp that had different heights, such as 1.25" tall and 1.5" tall. Is there an isolated, identifiable 1954 stamp, or are these cymbals that were made in '54 and stamped later with 60's stamps?Thanks,Bill
Yes there is a way to uniqely identify this trademark era by tradememark characteristics alone, but size measurement is not one of them. The differences are very subtle, and I can tell you that this one will undoubtedly be the most difficult one to recognize of any and all the trademark types on both the A. and the K. side combined.
Although the characteristcs are there, the differences between the early 1960's trademark that Zildjian used and this one are very subtle indeed. To tease them apart requires very close attention to the minutist detail. One almost has to be a trademark forensics science expert to tell the difference between them. Fortunately I happen to be one of those.
The true challenge will be to teach the layman how to become one as well.