I recently got an old Ludwig 15" diameter marching snare (mid-60's, white interior) to convert to a floor tom. I picked it because it was a "Club Date" style--holes drilled for a center-mounted Bow Tie lug.

I did so thinking that a 15" floor tom didn't exist in the 60's. I was just over on the VDG checking out the old catalog pages, when I noticed in the 1960 and 1962 catalogs that Club Dates came with, yep, a 12"x15" floor tom.

Hmm... Never seen one of these. How rare are they? What's the likelihood of finding one in CHAMPAGNE Sparkle?

Edit: I'd accidentally put Red Sparkle...too many projects flying around in my head, LOL...

Here's the page from the catalog (linked directly from Vintagedrumguide.com).


Also, are there any catalog scans that list the individual drum sizes? Like if you just wanted to buy one drum to add onto an existing set?

Were 16"x18" floor offered with "Club Date" style lugs? How rare were 18" floor toms from this era, in general (regardless of the lugs)???

