note: the post below was written before I found the previously posted links regarding mounting heads.

typical newbie to ask the question that has been asked too many times? : )

thanks david for the info!

Hi folk-

(my first post, being new here)

I just purchased a 1941 ludwig 26" bass drum... super warm and boomy.

(I really related to the previous post by "o-lugs" about the 40's junior set)

The drum came with one calf skin and one modern fiber head. I'm really wanting to put two new calf skin heads on it to get as full, soft and low a tone as possible, intending to play it with big fuzzy mallets more than with a foot pedal.

The problem is I only have one wooden flesh hoop for it.

So I am on the hunt for another one of these.

Any one have any clues?

I am also wondering if people can refer me to a reliable calfskin dealer?

I have seen a few online, but would love to hear about what others have found.

also, never having put on a calfskin head before. are there any pointers people might want to pass on?

Some skin dealers sell in increments of thin, medium, and thick.

are think calfskin heads too thick?

most appreciative of any input!
