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Problem with Repercussions

Posts: 45 Threads: 13

This is half warning and half a request for advice. I figure as this is a vintage drum place, this is the best place to bring this up.

Anyway, long story short, I placed and order for a set of 14" COB hoops from back in August 2009. They never showed up and I haven't been able to get any kind of satisfactory response. I've called probably close to a hundred times since ordering (never answers), and have emailed more times than I can count. I occasionally will get an email reply saying that she's out of stock and is having problems with her distributor but that she'll send a refund. This has not happened yet, and I don't see it forthcoming.

What would you do if you were in my situation? If anyone has any novel ideas, please lay them on me. If not, take my case as a warning. I would stay away from her site and if there's something you really need from her, go through ebay where she is held accountable. It's sad to have to warn people about a seller in this fashion, but it is what it is.

FWIW, I posted a similar thread on another drum website and was reprimanded by the moderator saying that it's best not to mention this topic as these things always get out of hand and the thread was promptly locked. I was simply trying to warn other members about a deadbeat seller. I think it's too bad that happened, but it's not my forum.

Anyway, I hope to get this situation resolved in the near future.

Posted on 14 years ago

I've heard many a story about Cherie and her "company". I made a mention about her without using her name on another forum as well, but asked about a "person who owns a drum store on the east coast" and the mod for the forum told me that "that discussion is a Pandora's box that I don't want opened"

As far as what you can do? If you paid with PayPal, open a dispute. That always gets someone's attention. If you didn't, you might be able to cal the local BBB (Better Business Bureau) in the city where she is and file a complaint.

Warning--I have heard on another forum and from some members that if you publicly make an issue with her and she finds it, you're gonna have hell to pay. I've seen emails from her to members I know and she can be very venomous and that would make your issue worse. Take the high road and do what you can legally and honestly. You've waited this long, more time shouldn't be an issue.


Its better to have people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove them wrong, unless you doubt yourself then speak away....
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13

From backbeatkeeper

I've heard many a story about Cherie and her "company". I made a mention about her without using her name on another forum as well, but asked about a "person who owns a drum store on the east coast" and the mod for the forum told me that "that discussion is a Pandora's box that I don't want opened"As far as what you can do? If you paid with PayPal, open a dispute. That always gets someone's attention. If you didn't, you might be able to cal the local BBB (Better Business Bureau) in the city where she is and file a complaint.Warning--I have heard on another forum and from some members that if you publicly make an issue with her and she finds it, you're gonna have hell to pay. I've seen emails from her to members I know and she can be very venomous and that would make your issue worse. Take the high road and do what you can legally and honestly. You've waited this long, more time shouldn't be an issue.BBK

Hmmm, I think "pandora's box" were the same words I was given. I wonder if we're not talking about the same forum.

By the time I realized a paypal dispute was necessary, it was already past their 90 day limit. They won't do anything now. BBB can't really do anything either.

As far as "having hell to pay", I'm simply a customer who paid for an item and the seller didn't follow through. If she sees this thread and wants to give me "hell" then let her go ahead. I've already lost my money as far as I can see. Anything she has to say from this point on is really of little importance. If she would be legal and honest, then there would be no need for this thread at all in the first place. I'm not the one at fault here. If she frequents this forum and sees this and feels the need to be "venomous", that's on her. I have nothing to lose at this point.

I'm just hoping to get this situation involved and spread the word to friends about her business practices.

Posted on 14 years ago

I could care less about her high and mighty attitude. You paid for a product, she has not delivered. Out of stock? OK, not a problem, refund the money. But, not answering phone calls or e-mails? Shame on her!:mad:

"Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail". John Wooden

Blaemire / Jenkins-Martin drums.
Posted on 14 years ago

From mendozart

I could care less about her high and mighty attitude. You paid for a product, she has not delivered. Out of stock? OK, not a problem, refund the money. But, not answering phone calls or e-mails? Shame on her!:mad:

I totally agree with Greg, there is no excuse, except deceit and dishonesty, You in good faith paid for a product and have not recieved it in a timely manner, You could of mined the materials and made the freakn things by now!!!!!:2Cents:

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 2433 Threads: 483

Her operation needs to be black listed.I,ve heard a lot of stories about this very scenario with various products.Pandoras box my ass!!..SPREAD THE WORD!!!!

Hit like you mean it!!
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

You could try contacting the Better Business Bureau or a similar consumer advocate organization.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 14 years ago

There are drum forums where it is not allowed to mention her name!

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 6287 Threads: 375

This isn't normal behavior for her at all.

Her eBay store is closed, but you can still view her feedback.

Six neutrals and three negatives out of 716 transactions during the past 12 months. 99.7% Positive ........ 707 happy customers

It's a bummer you haven't received your hoops or a refund yet. I like BBK's advice about taking the high road ..... maintain a level of professionalism and perhaps the situation will be resolved. Mud slinging around the drum forums, justified or not, probably won't help a bit in reaching your resolution.

You could have gotten the same advice you've heard here without bringing up the seller's name.

Making purchases over the internet shouldn't be, but never-the-less is, a bit of a gamble. This is a good reminder to me to be watchful of delivery times, and to take advantage of the option of opening a dispute with PayPal in a timely fashion......the only protection I have as a buyer....... so, thank-you for that part of the topic !

Posted on 14 years ago

Well I can add another negative feedback. I purchased a lambswool beater from her and had to send several emails before she finally shipped it. The ebay figures must be skewed, because for a long time people have been complaining about her on the drum forums. Seems like a new complaint every couple of months.

Posted on 14 years ago
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