OK-who's been keeping this a secret?I'm perusing a Premier vintage website,and a mid-80's catalog photo shows a 252 double pedal-WHAT????I'm addicted to this BD pedal-own at least 5,for spares,etc.But I have never,ever seen this left hand slave pedal anywhere.Come on-out with it!
Premier 252 DOUBLE pedal???
So rare that it makes hen's teeth look common
I'm going overseas (per say) to investigate this phenomena-maybe never exported?
I live in England and use a 252 and I have never seen or even heard of a 252 double. I will ask around over here for you.
1970 WMP Star
1971 Gretsch
1976 Camco
1972 Slingerland
1982 Yamaha 9000 RC
FVF custom kit
AD Drums custom kit
RCI acrylic kit
Arbiter Flats Pro
Ludwig402, Premier2000, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute, Ahead COB,
Thanks-and if anyone over there has a source for the 252 footboard link that connects to the beater axle,I'd greatly appreciate it.I was only able to locate 1 before the spares dried up,and it's in use.
I know this is kinda late but I've seen one for sale on ebay US in 2004/2005 but I don't remember the price exactly but it wasn't for cheap. I was flabbergasted when I saw it.
I'd love to have one. They definitely did make them but I've never seen one except in older photos of UK drummers. The linkage design is most unusual compared to what we see on most double pedals.
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