Hi all!
as Ralf say to me recently, i have a question for the VDF!!! Clapping Happy2
so stay calm on your chair because what you will see can heurt you... LoLoLoLo
I recently bought i vintage Star kit (certainly a 1967 one) in a very bad condition...
All the Wrap have been repainting with something like Chrome wheel painting :/
see under:
I try to fix it, and after take of all metalic part, we can see really clearly the Blue Satin Flame under... (so goood to me!)
I try to use Aceton, but you know, Wrap don't like Aceton... so I Try a "green aceton susbtitute" who like plastic too, but not really good.
So now my Snare Wrap is Dead... and i want to take car of the Bass Drum...
Any idea??? (befor ordering a brand new re-wraping)
thanks a lot!!! flowers2