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Piccolo Snare Advice


Bebop sounds cool. I doubt that it'll stay at 22 pounds, but you never know! Obviously it'd be much better if it had the original wrap, but I can't be too choosy... To be honest I'm a player rather than collector, so I'll be able to live with that knowledge. I could maybe get it restored with correct period wrap...? Anyhow, thanks again. I really do appreciate your input and time.

Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

It might stay low because it's a re-wrap. If you just want the sound, then I'm sure it will be fine.

Good luck!

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 6287 Threads: 375

The seller added the note that the drum is a John Grey, very cool drum, but still a re-wrap, bummer about that.....

Posted on 12 years ago

I think I'm going to leave this particular one... It would be good to get an unaltered drum, even though my main thing is the sound. I'll see what pops up - it does seem that there is a huge amount of vintage UK stuff coming up for sale at the moment...

Posted on 12 years ago
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