Unfortunately, bars do facilitate drunks. And I deal do with them when I have to, but I don't encourage drunken behavior on the bandstand, regardless. There are plenty of bars that encourage it, though. More power to them in their own space. Some establishments that serve alcohol are not all dive bars where drinking is the main focus. In the case of my jazz gig, it's in the lounge section of a four star restaurant, not Bob's Kuntry Bunker. Lots of people are able to consume some alcohol, have a nice dinner and enjoy a few hours of artistic enrichment -without ever expecting to put a lampshade on their head and get up onstage. Other people lack the ability to know their limitations and allow their weakness to overtake their better judgement. I have an audiophile stereo system that is capable of reproducing recorded music at extremely high decibels. But it doesn't mean that I have to crank it up all the time just because I can. Same thing with some folks who drink. They think that going out to a bar means getting s&!tfaced drunk every time, like that's the entire point of going to a bar to begin with. But it's not. In fact, it's rarely the point outside of the oafish, redneck biker places. It's much more of a socializing environment. And there are plenty of bars that are lower key and cater to a classier, more educated type of clientele. It's just that sometimes, ignorant and/or drunk people don't end up at the most appropriate place to cultivate their ignorance. And in those instances, they get a chance to reel it in or they will be asked to leave. We usually do try and give the benefit of the doubt, initially, but if the inappropriate behavior continues, the offenders will be asked to leave...or removed...depends on who is working.
I thought for sure that Roadhouse would be mentioned as well as Bob's County Bunker...LoLoLoLo
Believe me, having played and frequented some of the nicer establishments as well as some dive bars (or biker bar if you will) it's hard to lump "educated" people as being more civilized and know their place at a "lounge" vs. the "oaf" in the dive-bar. These are stereotypes for sure, and it can go both ways. I've been in some real dives where the people are very nice to the bands and don't tolerate the usual "Roadhouse" type of behavior. I've also been in some very "classy" places where some of these "educated" people can be a real problem.
As others have pointed out, its how the particular person handles their alcohol intake. Those that can't handle it make problems for everyone, regardless of background or establishment.
BTW, talk to some of those "oafs" sometime, you'll find that although they may not necessarily be highly educated, they do have good taste in music and know their music. One of those "oaf-biker types" taught me something once.......that although he was rough looking on the outside, he was a great person on the inside and had very sophisticated taste in music...not just the typical heavy-metal or blues lover, but a love of jazz and classical too! Also found out besides being a Vietnam Vet, that he was a poet too! Who'da thought just by looking at the guy........again, stereotypes......the old adage, don't judge a book by its cover applies I think.