I have come across your website and I have a question concerning about my pearl MlX series drumset that I have had since 1986. Their 29 birthday is coming up and I was wondering if this line of drum is going to be or has been a collective drum kit in the current or future. I have a six piece kit minus the matching snare that I foolishly traded away a few years ago.They are all natural maple finish and have used them for years now. Recently I have purchased a pearl mmx and use it most of the time now. But with the 4 ply shell the sound just doesn't kick like the old 8 ply shells pearl produced in this series. Masterworks has these type of shells but are just too costly. I have a 10,12,13,14-18x22 and an 18" floor tom. They just rock and best of all they look just as good as they did when I bought them with a few nicks that can hardly be seen. I have the orginal mounting plate of the kick drum which i know is very rare. Usually they wear out immediatly. I have yet to find a replacement plate that size. The new ones are a different size diameter. I have kept up and used all new hardware pearl has to offer.I have not changed the hoops though,I have thought about putting die cast hoops on them. Is this a good idea or should I just leave the orginal superhoops on them. Just give me your brief thoughts an if they are positive I should take a digital photo and get an appraisal. They don't make em like this anymore.
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Pearl MlX series drumset collectable or not? Last viewed: 3 minutes ago
Posts: 3267
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Posted on 19 years ago
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Generally, vintage Japanese drums (you must have meant '76?) don't have any collector value. Most just weren't made very well, not to say yours isn't but nobody is really willing to pay very much for an old Yamaha, Pearl or the like. There is a small number of people starting to collect 60's era kits however...
:::Ryan B
Posted on 19 years ago
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