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Paradiddle Joe - Vintage Drumming!



Inspired by a visitor that created a little article about his drum teacher Henry Riggs.

Also, if anyone else wants to feature their drum teacher, please send me the photos and articles..

For the complete article Click Here


Posted on 15 years ago

I know this guy he was a friend of my dads,my dad was in the pastor band with henry, my dad is the first trumpet player to the right of henry riggs doing the trumpet solo at the end of paradiddle joe.

It was henry that first taught the heel and toe method on the high hat,

I leanrned more from watching and listening and talking to henry on local gigs than i ever did in the fifteen years of lessons and studing!

things like time and dynamics, he is considered to be one of the best time keepers around!

Posted on 15 years ago

Very cool. The guy that wrote the article still talks to Henry.

He has more videos on Youtube as well.


Posted on 15 years ago

wow david ,this is cool,I wonder if i know this person at all,ive been out of chcago since 1985,but i last saw henry in late 91 when he came to visit my dad in scottsdale az about a month or so before my dad died in january of 92.

I remember henry saying he came beause he had a feeling it was the last time he would see my dad. accoreding to my dad it was about 1947 when he and henry made these shorts with tony right after tony hired henry,my dad and the clooney sisters, im sure henry knew rosie clooney well like my dad did.

my dad would always smile said they always had olot of fun together and that thy were about a year or so apart in age,i guess henrys about 85 now,my da would of been avout 84 if he had lived!

I still have the old VHS tape of all the pastor shorts my dad gave ,i need to get on dvd.If anyone speeks to henry please tell him that carl geraci,dom geraci's son says hello and that i still play and have never forgottn the things ive learned from watching him play,he was the one told my dad to get me a small cup ping ride which i still have today.

i dont know how well or if henry would remember me but he had a profound effect on my playing man the way he uses cymbals is truly unique!!!

Sincerely carl geraci aka Slingerhead 65

Posted on 15 years ago

sorry about the bad spelling ang grammar ,igues i should clean my keyboard!

as soon as I am done reminiscing ,Im going to dive right into some of these slingy post on dateing and restoring them Im so glad i found this sight


Posted on 15 years ago
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