Hey fellow vintage Paiste guys.. Sorry about the title but i couldn't think of a suitably descriptive title for what i need to know..
I'm currently looking for a 20" crash or thin ride similar to my very thin, vintage black label 505 crash/ride, but something darker and even thinner..I thought of the 404's, which i love.. Any thoughts..?
I may be also considering one of Paiste's newer lines in a 20" crash..
The goal is to find a less intrusive, overbearing light ride that crashes nicely as well.. It's going to be hard to find because my 505 black label is just a beautifully warm cymbal, with just enough wash, a great crash that isn't too quick on the decay, not too long on the sustain, and more importantly, not too loud.. This is for one of my supper club gigs, which can get rowdy, but not as loud as a regular club gig..