I picked up an old 14" Ziljian and it doesn't fit over the cymbal insert on my stands. Is that normal and does anyone have any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance from newbie drummer and poster...
I picked up an old 14" Ziljian and it doesn't fit over the cymbal insert on my stands. Is that normal and does anyone have any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance from newbie drummer and poster...
Old K Istanbul cymbals have very small holes that will not fit over today's standard 8 mm (I think) posts. You can get around this by looking for stands with smaller posts, or by modifying the post on your present stand, i.e. by exchanging the insert for something slimmer.
A third option is to enlarge the cymbal hole.
You need a 6mm top post to fit the cymbal...They are available, you just have to look...
Thanks for the replies! I was previously unaware of the differences in post sizes. Looking forward to getting this straightened out. I tried this guy out on an older stand that I have with no insert and it's got a nice sound.
Is it a Hihat cymbal...if so....maybe an older clutch....
Or as mentioned an older std will wrk...
Sounds like you have a trans stamp zild cymbal...@1948/53 erra..
Post a clr pic of the stamped logo ...it's on the top side...about 1" in from the outter edge...
If the outter edges of the stamp (9 & 3) on the position ,like a clock...are stamped heavier then the rest of the stamp...and the centre hole is smaller then usually...sounds like you got yrself a nice cymbal....not sure if it's a hat CYM or crash CYM..?
What does that zildjian center hole measure in mm??? I might be able to make you an adapter so you don't go the way of drilling your vintage cymbal.
Is it a Hihat cymbal...if so....maybe an older clutch....Or as mentioned an older std will wrk...Sounds like you have a trans stamp zild cymbal...@1948/53 erra..Post a clr pic of the stamped logo ...it's on the top side...about 1" in from the outter edge...If the outter edges of the stamp (9 & 3) on the position ,like a clock...are stamped heavier then the rest of the stamp...and the centre hole is smaller then usually...sounds like you got yrself a nice cymbal....not sure if it's a hat CYM or crash CYM..?
See pic, looks like what you describe in terms of the stamping. Weight is 764g. I'm using it as a crash, though I suppose it would work as a hat too. It's also a sizzle cymbal with 6 holes, and it sounds pretty cool with rivets. I've got a nice set of older Zildjian hats but I might experiment with it in that context. Thanks for the reply!
What does that zildjian center hole measure in mm??? I might be able to make you an adapter so you don't go the way of drilling your vintage cymbal.
Well there's no way I'm going to drill it, that's for sure. I'd rather find another solution. It's 15/32 or about 12mm. If you have a solution I'd appreciate hearing about it very much! Otherwise I guess I'll be on the hunt for vintage stands unless there's another solution. Thanks for the reply!
Well there's no way I'm going to drill it, that's for sure. I'd rather find another solution. It's 15/32 or about 12mm. If you have a solution I'd appreciate hearing about it very much! Otherwise I guess I'll be on the hunt for vintage stands unless there's another solution. Thanks for the reply!
Ive read your post great old cymbal but i agree, drill it but keep it neat. Ive repaired many a zildjian by grinding the crack out of cymbals as drilling them dont work. The hole wont even be an issue as most people wouldnt know unless told....sean
Well there's no way I'm going to drill it, that's for sure. I'd rather find another solution. It's 15/32 or about 12mm. If you have a solution I'd appreciate hearing about it very much! Otherwise I guess I'll be on the hunt for vintage stands unless there's another solution. Thanks for the reply!
Looks great...
Find an older CYM std or a top part of a CYM std and clamp it to yr reg CYM std..as mentioned earlier you can buy just the tops....they usually unscrew on and off...
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